Saturday, June 6, 2009

What a nice way to end.(my child stops to reflect on how she came about realizing her dreams.)

Hello. I believe we met one time at a parent teacher conference when my daughter took me down to the art room to meet her Art teachers. My name is Kim and I am Jordan's Mom. I was on my way to work this morning and had some time to reflect on a few things, (rush hour traffic offers that opportunity). As I was sitting in traffic, I started thinking about what Jordan said to me last night. She proudly showed me a picture she had made for you both and said matter of fact, “I made this for them because they gave me so much and I wanted to leave a piece of me behind for them to remember me.” Last night I was so proud that she thought to do something like that. Today, I really thought about it and see that you both made such a huge impact on Jordan’s art, self-esteem and determination and that is also what I am so proud of. I feel very fortunate to have my daughter, my kids, in a school where the teachers are so inspirational that my child stops to reflect on how she came about realizing her dreams. I want to thank you both for the impact you have had on Jordan’s art, but more importantly, her person. Thank you for all you have done.



Proud Parent

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